Gender Affirming & LGBTQ Care

Gender Affirming & LGBTQ Care

We are proud to be an ally and advocate for the LGBTQ+ community and strive to provide a safe, respectful, and affirming environment for all individuals including people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, intersex, asexual, or questioning/ non-conforming.

Exceptional & Tailored Care


Gender affirming hormone therapy (GAHT) has become an important option of transgender health; it is the use of hormones and/or other medications to bring about physical changes that align with an individual’s gender identity.

For transgender individuals seeking masculinization, GAHT typically involves the use of testosterone, while for those seeking feminization, estrogen and sometimes other hormone blockers medications are used. 

The goals of GAHT are to alleviate gender dysphoria – distress or discomfort experienced by an individual due to a misalignment between their gender identity and the sex they were assigned at birth. In promoting physical changes that align with an individual’s gender identity, GAHT can also improve mental well-being. 

Masculinizing Effects: For transgender individuals seeking masculinization, GAHT may lead to increased facial and body hair growth, deepening of the voice, and increased muscle mass.

Feminizing Effects: For transgender individuals seeking feminization, GAHT may lead to breast growth, softening of the skin, decreased body and facial hair growth, and a reduction in testicular size.

It’s important to discuss with your physician about the potential risks and side effects with GAHT. Monitoring GAHT includes checking hormone levels, blood counts, liver function, and for potential side effects or complications. Potential side effects or complications can include: changes in blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and liver function; risks of blood clots, cardiovascular risks, and mood change; changes to fertility including decreased or potentially lost fertility.


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